The main objective of IPM membership is to bring together pension industry players under the umbrella of the Professional Association.  This is to form a platform for providing professionalism through training, research and advocacy in the pension industry by supporting members in an all-round approach towards their global recognition as competent professionals.

Our membership Categories:

IPM welcomes members in 6 categories’ viz-




Corporate member (Retirement Benefits Schemes Membership
Corporate Member (Service Providers)
Corporate member (Affiliate members)
Full Member
Associate Member
Student Members


Who should Join



Registration Fee(One off)

Annual subscription Fee


Retirement Benefits Schemes Membership

Schemes registered by Retirement Benefits Authority(RBA)

Registered by RBA

  • Trainings and learning

  • Research & Advocacy

  • Consultancy &benchmarking

KES 20,000

KES 15,000

Apply Now

Corporate Membership

Institutions offering services to the pension  industry these includes Fund Managers, Custodians, Administrators, Auditors, Lawyers, Actuaries

Licensed by respective regulator

  • Trainings

  • Consultancy opportunities

  • Certificate of Membership

  • Publication in our Annual Magazine

  • Opportunities to sponsor and partner in our conferences, workshop

  • Recruitment Drive

KES 20,000

KES 10,000

Apply Now

Full Membership

Professional in the corporate institution offering services in the pension industry

Minimum 5years of experience

On renewal at least attended 3 of the institutes trainings,

Facilitated on pension related programmes

  • Networking

  • Breakfast forums

  • Annual Gala dinner

  • Research & Advocacy

  • Consultancy Opportunities

KES 5,000

KES 3,000

Apply Now

Associates Membership

Professionals in the pension industry

Below 5 years

  • Networking

  • Job Mapping

  • Breakfast Forums

KES 3,000

KES 1, 000

Apply Now

Students Membership

Enrolled in any of  IPM’s course

Enrolled in any of the institute’s course

  • Networking

  • Job opportunities

KES 2,000

KES 1,000

Apply Now


This category of membership is open to all pension schemes and other institutions committed to the advancement of professional pension knowledge and practices in their respective institutions. Corporate Membership enables organisations to participate in all activities of the Institute and to send representatives to attend its meetings and functions.

1) Retirement Benefits Scheme Membership

Membership is open for pension Schemes registered by Retirement Benefits Authority (RBA)

Become a member with us:


Registration Fee

Annual Subscription Fee

Retirement Benefits Scheme Membership

KES 20,000



  1. Learning and Trainings: All trustees of the pension scheme get 25% discount per training attended. All trustees of the pension scheme get 1 free quarterly pension forum on emerging issues. All members of the pension scheme get one day free pre-retirement training/ member education training.

  2. Research & Advocacy: IPM acts as an information channel keeping members and wider profession informed of pension developments of interest.

  3. Networking: Being a member of IPM gives you a great opportunity to network with numerous people in your profession.

  4. Opportunities: IPM broadcasts many relevant opportunities to their members including opportunities for consultancies services.

  5.  Attendance of quarterly luncheon/ breakfast in which the invited speaker/panel talks on an issue of topical interest in the pension industry

  6. Attendance of IPM an annual dinner gala at subsidized rate

  7. Usage of IPM Platforms and affiliates to lobby on pertinent issues

  8. Issuance of corporate membership certificate

2) Service providers Membership

This is membership is open to Institutions offering services to the pension industry these includes Fund Managers, Custodians, Administrators, Auditors, Lawyers, Actuaries

Become a member with us.


Registration Fee

Annual Subscription Fee

Service providers Membership

KES 20,000


Membership Benefits:

  1. Learning and Trainings: Members of the institution get 25% discount per training attended. Members of the institution get 1 free member education training per year. Trustees of a scheme get a 1 day free pension forum  per year

  2. Research & Advocacy: IPM acts as an information channel keeping members and wider profession informed of pension developments of interest.

  3. Networking: Being a member of IPM gives you a great opportunity to network with numerous people in your profession. This is one of the easiest ways to quickly and greatly expand and reach your networks.

  4. Opportunities: IPM broadcasts many relevant opportunities to their members including opportunities for consultancies, professional development.

  5. Opportunity to partner and sponsor IPM conferences and workshop.

  6. Issuance of corporate membership certificate.

  7. Attendance of quarterly luncheon/ breakfast in which the invited speaker/panel talks on an issue of topical interest in the pension industry

  8. Attendance of annual dinner gala at subsidized rate.

  9. Opportunities to receive verified graduating students for internship programs.

  10. Match member database and recruitment services at preferred rates.

3) Affiliate Corporate membership

These are organizations, or industry players that engage in various ways with the institute or the profession.


Individual membership is open to pension industry professionals desiring to participate in the advancement of professional pension management knowledge and practice.

1) Full membership

The membership is open to Professionals in the corporate institution offering services in the pension industry. Eligibility is open to: Professional in the industry with at least 5year s of experience in the Pension Industry.

Become a member with us:


Registration Fee

Annual Subscription Fee

Full Member

KES 5,000



  1. Issuance of IPM Membership Certificate

  2. Attendance of IPM Training programs at a discount rate

  3. Opportunity for qualified trainers to facilitate and moderate at IPM training’s

  4. Opportunity to network and participate in IPM’s events.

  5. Attending IPM breakfast forums and gala dinners.

  6. Eligible to participation in the nomination of Sector Skills Advisory Committee for the Institute. These are industry professionals who shape the sector by contributing and monitoring training content and delivery for qualification and certification.

2) Associates Membership

The membership is open Professionals in the pension industry. Eligibility is open to: Fresh professional’s in the pension industry with less than 5 years of experience.

Become a member with us.


Registration Fee

Annual Subscription Fee

Associate Member

KES 3,000



  1. Entitled to IPM Membership Certificate

  2. Sharing of job opportunity advertised through IPM.

  3. Attending IPM events through personal invites

  4. Discounted rates on IPM Training’s

  5. Opportunity to network and participate in IPM’s events.

3) Student Member

The membership is open to students in pursing IPM courses or actuary science in universities, or recognized institutions of higher learning recognized by IPM. Eligibility is open to. Students pursing IPM courses or actuary science.

Become a member with us:


Registration Fee

Annual Subscription Fee

Student Member




  1. IPM will offer internship opportunities as available.

  2. Involvement in career talks and other educational talks.

  3. Attending IPM student’s mentorship program

  4. IPM will participate in student’s pension club activities.
